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About Elliot
Founder & L4 Personal Trainer

Armoured Muscle Personal Trainer and Owner

I love the challenge of working with each person's unique set of circumstances. With a 12 year military engineering career behind me I know what it’s like to have to fit in a workout around an arduous job and life commitments. With a desire to always optimise and an understanding of the human body, the two skills married together, with a natural ability to teach, to form my passion for personal training.

I’ve dabbled in many forms of fitness including bodybuilding, competitive cross country running, athletics, and most recently strength training with martial arts. Add in experience of facilities from around the world from makeshift gyms in the desert to state of the art facilities in the USA, I’m well positioned to help people like you get closer to your goals.

The skills I offer suit those aged over 30 and are looking to improve their performance and move through life with better strength. You can be assured of quality service as I’m fully insured, qualified and a professionally registered Personal Training Practitioner with CIMSPA.

On behalf of Armoured Muscle Personal Training I thank you for taking the time to learn a little about me. I hope I get the chance to hear your story too.


Level 4 Certificate in Exercise for Managing Lower Back Pain

Level 3 Personal Trainer

Level 3 Certificate in Leadership and Management

Level 3 Award in Education and Training

Level 3 Exercise Referral

Level 2 Gym Instructor

Steel Mace Mastery

Youth Exercise Specialist 

Martial Arts First Aider

Sudden Cardiac Arrest Trained

Manual Handling Instructor

Mental Health First Aider

DBS Certified

12 years' military service

Currently Studying: Advanced Training Systems

CIMSPA Personal Trainer Practioner CPD profile link

Chartered Institute for Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA) Personal Trainer Practitioner

Click logo above to view full CIMSPA CPD Profile

Science of nutrition and healthy eating OU bage certification
Iinstitue of leadership and management badge for level 3 certificate in leadership & management
PT Credetials and Qualifications
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